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Ursula Lindqvist, Kjerstin Moody, and David Jessup (Scandinavian Studies)
Ursula Lindqvist, Kjerstin Moody, and David Jessup participated in the annual Sweden Symposium of the Association of Swedish Teachers and Researchers in America (ASTRA) held…
Joaquín Villanueva (Geography)
Joaquín published a chapter “Rights” in Mark Jayne and Kevin Ward’s (2016) Urban Theory: New Critical Perspectives, Routledge. The book introduces urban theoretical debates to…
Yumiko Oshima-Ryan and Barb Leibundgth (Music)
Yumiko Oshima-Ryan and Barb Leibundgth are invited to perform for the College Music Society’s Showcase concert during the Fifty-Ninth National Conference in Santa Fe in…
Ana Adams (Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures)
Ana Adams published an article titled “Humor étnico en El Conde Lucanor” in Ehumanista, Journal of Iberian Studies 34, 407-423.
Jill Locke (Political Science)
The Institute for Advanced Study featured an excerpt from Jill Locke’s book, Democracy and the Death of Shame, on the front page of its website.…
Dwight Stoll (Chemistry)
Dwight Stoll received funding from the Agilent Technologies Foundation for the one-year project “Development of 2D-LC-MS/MS Methods for the Analysis of Host Cell Proteins (HCPs)…
The Provost’s Award for Teaching Excellence to a Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Member
The Office of the Provost is excited to announce the newly-created Provost’s Award for Teaching Excellence to a Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Member. This award was created…
Eric Carlson, 2016 Carlson Award Winner, History Department
It is my great honor to introduce this year’s Carlson winner…since good teaching requires good students, I am going to read some quotes students have…
David Obermiller, 2015 Carlson Award Winner, History Department
The Edgar M. Carlson Award for Distinguished Teaching is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a Gustavus faculty member. Nominations are accepted from…
Matthew Panciera, 2014 Carlson Award Winner, Classics Department
Each year at commencement a faculty member is honored with the Edgar M. Carlson Award for Distinguished Teaching in recognition of his or her exceptional…
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