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Faculty Spotlight: Sheng-Ping Yang
Sheng-Ping Yang (Business and Economics) was recently featured on WalletHub.com. He shared his insights in an article about the Best Auto and Home Insurance Companies
Faculty Spotlight: Blake Couey
Blake Couey (Religion) presented his paper “Bird Reproduction and Empire in First Isaiah” at the virtual conference Humanimal 2.0: The Bible and “Animal” Others on Mar.…
Amanda Hukee Library Career Internship
During the Fall 2024 term, Amanda Hukee ’25 ,completed an internship in the Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library. Dan Mollner, her faculty sponsor, interviewed her about…
Faculty Spotlight: Lai Sze Tso
Lai Sze Tso (Sociology and Anthropology) presented her paper “Sandwich Caregivers and the Eldercare Ecosystem in Minnesota” at the Applied Demography Conference –Population Association of…
Faculty Spotlight: Kate Knutson
Kate Knutson (Political Science) presented a paper coauthored with Rachel Flynn (Library) titled, “What Am I Reading? How Teaching Genre Improves Civic Skills” at the…
Faculty Spotlight: Marcia Bunge
Marcia J. Bunge (Religion) was invited by the University of Erfurt in Germany to give virtual lecture on her child-related research for the university’s interdisciplinary…
Mellon Foundation Awards $500,000 for Multi-Year Art History Project, Object Lessons
In December 2024, Gustavus Adolphus College was awarded a $500,000 grant by the Mellon Foundation to support Object Lessons: Repatriation, Provenance, and Access in Art…
Faculty Spotlight: Elizabeth Baer
Elizabeth Baer (English, retired) presented a Zoom lecture “The Girl in the Green Sweater,” to an audience of 200 people around the world on February…
Gustavus Accounting Program Recognized for CPA Exam Success
Gustavus Adolphus College is proud to announce that its Accounting program has been ranked 16th among the top 40 medium-sized collegiate accounting programs for CPA…
Faculty Spotlight: Ursula Lindqvist
Ursula Lindqvist (Scandinavian Studies) published a scholarly book review article… about Tami Navarro’s Virgin Capital: Race, Gender, and Financialization in the US Virgin Islands. Albany: SUNY Press,…
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