Latest Stories
Faculty Spotlight: Greg Kaster
Greg Kaster (History) was recently interviewed by the St. Peter Herald for a story about the College’s podcast, Learning for Life @ Gustavus, which he…
Faculty Spotlight: Kristen Lowe
Kristen Lowe (Art and Art History) was the subject of a profile in the December issue of Minneapolis-St. Paul Magazine. Written by Dara Moskowitz Grumdahl,…
Faculty Spotlight: Larissa McConnell
Larissa McConnell (Theatre and Dance) had her book Foundations of Flat Patterning and Draping – for the Female Form published through Routledge. The book provides…
Faculty Spotlight: Julie Bartley
Julie Bartley (Geology) and co-authors Ashley Manning-Berg and Tara Selly ’13 recently published “Actualistic approaches to interpreting the role of biological decomposition in microbial preservation”…
Faculty Spotlight: Lisa Heldke
Lisa Heldke (Philosophy) gave a talk for the philosophy department at Occidental College on November 8. “A Chooser Full of Choosers: Ethics in the Age…
Faculty Spotlight: Erik Gulbranson
Erik Gulbranson (Geology) recently published a review of soil-forming environments on the former supercontinent of Gondwana in the journal Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. This review attempts…
Faculty Spotlight: Kathy Lund Dean
Kathy Lund Dean (Economics and Management) and Cat LaCasse ’22 (Accounting) had their paper, “Not even trying to be innovative? Network ties and homophily in…
Faculty Spotlight: Anna Hulseberg, Michelle Twait, and Leah Zacate
Anna Hulseberg, Michelle Twait, and Leah Zacate (all of the Library) co-presented a session, “The Plot Thickens: Writing the Next Chapter for Access Services,” at…
Faculty Spotlight: Marcia Bunge
Marcia Bunge (Religion) has published a collection of essays entitled Child Theology: Diverse Methods and Global Perspectives (Orbis Books). Contributors include Roman Catholic, Protestant, and…
Intersections: Number 54 (Fall 2021)
Intersections is a publication by and largely for the academic communities of the twenty-seven institutions that comprise the Network of ELCA Colleges and Universities (NECU). Each…
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