Latest Stories
Faculty Spotlight: Yurie Hong
Yurie Hong (Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies) delivered an invited lecture about Gender, Identity, and Classics at St. Paul Academy and Summit School’s Speaker Day.
Faculty Spotlight: Kate Aguilar
Kate Aguilar (History) was selected for the CIC Faculty Seminar on the Legacies of American Slavery at Yale (Summer 2023), along with the Southern Historical…
Faculty Spotlight: Peg O’Connor
Peg O’Connor (Philosophy) published The Sober Philosopher Workbook for Exploring Addiction and Creating Recovery (Wildhouse Publications, 2023). Her essay, “Nothing Says Resentment Like Unfulfilled Expectations,”…
Intersections: Number 57 (Spring 2023)
Intersections is a publication by and largely for the academic communities of the twenty-seven institutions that comprise the Network of ELCA Colleges and Universities (NECU).…
Faculty Spotlight: Jill Locke
Jill Locke (Political Science) and Ainsley LeSure (Political Science – Brown University) published, “The Girls’ Bureau of Freedom and Social Uplift,” a futuristic essay that…
Faculty Spotlight: Lydia Francis
Lydia Francis ’11 (Theatre and Dance) has illustrated Spider, Spider On the Wall, a children’s book written by her aunt, Mary Schlichting. “It was a…
Faculty Spotlight: Kathleen Keller
Kathleen Keller (History) was elected to the editorial board of the journal French Historical Studies.
Faculty Spotlight: Yurie Hong
Yurie Hong (Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies) delivered a keynote, “Pedagogies of Care and Connection in a Time of Perma-crisis,” at Northwestern University’s Teaching Antiquity…
Faculty Spotlight: Erik Gulbranson
Erik Gulbranson (Environment, Geography, and Earth Sciences) was invited to present at the Goldschmidt 2023 Conference in Lyon, France. This talk, “A global perspective of…
Faculty Spotlight: Kathy Lund Dean
Kathy Lund Dean (Economics and Management)was part of a team of authors that published, “Key Authors in Business and Management Education (BME) with a Bibliometric…
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