Latest Stories
Lisa Heldke (Philosophy)
Lisa Heldke published an entry, “John Dewey and Pragmatist Feminist Philosophy,” in the Oxford Handbook of Dewey.
Tommy Valentini (Philosophy and Athletics)
Tommy Valentini lectured and presented at Whittier College. Valentini was selected in conjunction with an Andrew Mellon Foundation grant supporting Whittier’s effort to expand the…
Melissa Rolnick (Theatre and Dance)
Melissa Rolnick received a Prairie Lakes Regional Arts Council Mid-Artist Grant from funds provided by the McKnight Foundation.
Jennifer Nevitt (Art and Art History)
Jennifer Nevitt was featured in the Star Tribune for her current exhibit at the Minneapolis Institute of Art.
Hayley Russell (Health and Exercise Science)
Hayley Russell published an article, “Physical Activity in Former Competitive Athletes: The Physical and Psychological Impact of Musculoskeletal Injury” in Quest. Although competitive athletes exceed…
Marcia Bunge (Religion)
Marcia Bunge was invited by Queen’s University (Ontario, Canada) to serve as a theological adviser for an interdisciplinary project devoted to child protection. As part…
Lucie Holmgreen (Psychological Science)
Lucie Holmgreen published a book chapter, “Conservation of resources theory: Resource caravans and passageways in health contexts” in The Handbook of Stress and Health: A…
Heidi Meyer (Nursing)
Heidi Meyer presented a podium session at the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN’s) 2017 Baccalaureate Education Conference. The conference was focused on leadership…
Amy Seham (Theatre and Dance)
Northwestern University Press has invited Amy Seham to write a follow-up to her first book, Whose Improv Is It, Anyway? The new book is expected…
Kristen Lowe (Art)
Kristen Lowe served on a jury panel for the Minnesota State Arts Board in the media arts category. Lowe served as a juror that selects…
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