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Jennifer Ackil: Teaching, Scholarship, and Service
To remain “alive” and active as a research and scholar is critical. In addition to satisfying my own personal curiosities and commitment to the scientific…
Priscilla Briggs: Teaching, Scholarship, and Service
Working with students, helping them develop their individual ideas and vision, taps into this fascination and stimulates my thinking about my own work. Discussing their…
Pamela Kittelson: Teaching, Scholarship, and Service
Giving [students] opportunities to respect and express awe for the mysteries of life is as important as communicating what we know. Learning resolves mystery and…
Carolyn O’Grady: Teaching, Scholarship, and Service
I value collaborative scholarship. This isn’t because working collaboratively is easier; in fact, it can be considerably more difficult. It is simply that I find…
Paschal Kyoore: Teaching, Scholarship, and Service
I prefer to do things quietly. That is my style, and that is the approach with which I am comfortable. A Dagara proverb admonishes us…
Michelle Twait: Teaching, Scholarship, and Service
I have enjoyed the many opportunities I have had to serve the campus and St. Peter community. Gustavus aims to prepare students for ‘lives of…
Margaret Bloch Qazi: Teaching, Scholarship, and Service
I am committed to the college’s goal of encouraging and supporting a diverse community. This stems from my conviction that diversity is the fodder for…
Michele Koomen: Teaching, Scholarship, and Service
My scholarship continues to focus thanks to the suggestion and careful edits of many other scholars on campus. I am so very fortunate that so…
Peg O’Connor: Teaching, Scholarship, and Service
Teach-ins are one way to harness the incredible knowledge base our faculty, staff, and administrators possess, and by doing so show our students the multifarious…
Kate Knutson: Teaching, Scholarship, and Service
I value the interdisciplinary nature of my field of study and work to incorporate an interdisciplinary and international approach to what I teach … My…
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