Latest Stories
Mary Gaebler: National and International Connections Facilitated by our Lutheran Affiliation
A college like Gustavus, identified as it is with the Lutheran tradition, can freely welcome and encourage the cultural and religious differences that a diverse…
Joyce Sutphen: Poetry, People, and Sense of Place
What affection I have for the earth, for the meadow already gone to golden, for the burnt-orange reeds of the cattails, for the maple leaves’…
James Patrick Miller: Poetry, People, and Sense of Place
Each year new “Gusties” step into the stories that resonate in the college’s halls, guiding and nurturing them, and hopefully strengthening their capacity to contribute…
Matt Panciera: Teaching, Scholarship, and Service
In many ways writing still stands at the core of the intellectual experience in my courses. In writing they experience learning as a more solitary…
Tom LoFaro: Teaching, Scholarship, and Service
Probably the most effective way to engage students is to be enthusiastic about the material. I believe that I am exceptionally passionate about mathematics at…
Jennifer Ackil: Teaching, Scholarship, and Service
To remain “alive” and active as a research and scholar is critical. In addition to satisfying my own personal curiosities and commitment to the scientific…
Priscilla Briggs: Teaching, Scholarship, and Service
Working with students, helping them develop their individual ideas and vision, taps into this fascination and stimulates my thinking about my own work. Discussing their…
Pamela Kittelson: Teaching, Scholarship, and Service
Giving [students] opportunities to respect and express awe for the mysteries of life is as important as communicating what we know. Learning resolves mystery and…
Carolyn O’Grady: Teaching, Scholarship, and Service
I value collaborative scholarship. This isn’t because working collaboratively is easier; in fact, it can be considerably more difficult. It is simply that I find…
Paschal Kyoore: Teaching, Scholarship, and Service
I prefer to do things quietly. That is my style, and that is the approach with which I am comfortable. A Dagara proverb admonishes us…
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