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Kathy Lund Dean (Economics and Management)
Kathy Lund Dean and her co-authors have won the 2016 Management Education and Development Global Forum Best Paper Award at the Academy of Management for…
Suzanne Wilson (Sociology and Anthropology)
Suzanne Wilson attended the XXXIV International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. She presented the paper, “What Is in a Label? A Comparison of…
Ursula Lindqvist (Scandinavian Studies)
Ursula Lindqvist has just published two books on Nordic cinema. The first is a monograph titled Roy Andersson’s “Songs from the Second Floor”: Contemplating the…
Florence Amamoto: Religious Diversity at a Lutheran College
I recognize that I have been particularly comfortable here because both Lutheranism and Buddhism support values central to Gustavus—first and foremost, the importance of deep…
Chuck Niederriter: Religious Diversity at a Lutheran College
We may be affiliated with the Lutheran church, have Lutheran chaplains, and chapel services, but we are also a very diverse and welcoming community where…
Paschal Kyoore: Religious Diversity at a Lutheran College
If I were not an African Catholic at a Lutheran college, then I would not be in such a good position to help my students…
Sarah Ruble: Religious Diversity at a Lutheran College
What I would say as an evangelical-ish person to evangelicals (and others) is this: Gustavus’s Lutheran heritage is, yes, a challenge that creates a lot…
Deborah Goodwin: Core Values Inside and Outside the Classroom
Grounded in a sense of calling, alert to the complex, shifting relationships that arise for each life in the world, excellence can be a powerful,…
Tommy Valentini: Core Values Inside and Outside the Classroom
We believe in the power of community to make a positive difference in our lives and our world. All who study or work at Gustavus…
Jeff Dahlseid: Distinctive Pursuits Rooted in our Heritage
The commitment to vocation at Gustavus is rooted in the college’s Lutheran identity, which means that it is actively inclusive of other worldviews, spiritualties, and…
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