Latest Stories
Blake Couey (Religion)
Blake Couey presented an invited paper, “Poetry and Redaction in the Book of Isaiah,” at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature.…
Debra Pitton (Education)
Debra Pitton presented a session at the 2017 Association of Teacher Educators National Conference. Along with Laura Pitton Guerreo, a fourth grade Spanish immersion teacher…
Martin Lang (Communication Studies)
Martin Lang and Noah O’Ryan ’17 released their new short documentary film “(Mid)west of Somalia” for community screenings and film festival consideration.
Thia Cooper (Religion)
Thia Cooper published a book, A Christian Guide to Liberating Desire, Sex, Partnership, Work and Reproduction (Palgrave, 2017).
Angelique Dwyer (Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures)
Angelique Dwyer published her article “De broma en broma la verdad se asoma: Lotería y dicotomía cultural en ‘Sístole, diastole’ de Carlos Cuarón” in a…
Lisa Heldke (Philosophy) was invited to deliver the Carus Lecture at Concordia College, Moorhead. Her talk was entitled “Stuck on You: Thinking Parasitically.”
Blake Couey (Religion)
Blake Couey was interviewed about his book, Reading the Poetry of First Isaiah, for the podcast OnScript: Conversations on Current Biblical Scholarship.
Anna Hulseberg, Jeff Jenson, and Michelle Twait (Library)
Anna Hulseberg, Jeff Jenson, and Michelle Twait presented a session “More Than Just a Job: Student and Supervisor Perspectives on Mentoring” at the 2017 Brick…
Lisa Dembouski and Michele Koomen (Education)
Lisa Dembouski and Michele Koomen presented a paper titled “Voices of students with disabilities in science education” at the national Disability Studies in Education conference.
Michele Koomen (Education)
Michele Koomen was elected to serve as Minnesota Science Teacher Association President. Koomen also presented a session at the Minnesota Educator Academy.
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