Latest Stories
Eric Dugdale (Classics) and Loramy Gerstbauer (Political Science)
Eric Dugdale and Loramy Gerstbauer published an article, “Forms of Justice in Aeschylus’ Eumenides” in Polis, the Journal for Ancient Political Science. The article was…
Elizabeth Baer (English)
Elizabeth Baer published her fifth book in November. Entitled The Genocidal Gaze: From German Southwest Africa to the Third Reich (Wayne State UP), the book…
Leila Brammer (Communication Studies)
Leila Brammer published a chapter, “Assessment though a Deliberative Pedagogy Learning Outcomes Rubric” in Deliberative Pedagogy (Michigan State University Press). Brammer also published a book…
Lucie Holmgreen (Psychological Science)
Lucie Holmgreen published an article, “Men’s sexual coerciveness, perceptions of women’s attachment, and dating preferences” in Violence and Victims. Holmgreen published a study demonstrating that…
Heidi Meyer (Nursing)
Heidi Meyer received a Bremer Trust Fund grant to purchase a high-fidelity pediatric mannequin and additional supplies to furnish a simulation suite. This grant will…
Betsy Byers (Art and Art History)
Betsy Byers received a Prairie Lakes Regional Arts Council/McKnight Professional Mid-Career Artist Grant. The grant funding awarded will be used to create work based on…
Yurie Hong (Classics)
Yurie Hong delivered an invited lecture “Classics at the Intersection of the Personal and the Professional” at Fairfield University’s “21st Century Women and Greek Tragedy”…
Michelle Twait (Library)
Michelle Twait authored a chapter, “Evidence and Authority in Health and Exercise Science Research,” in Disciplinary Applications of Information Literacy Threshold Concepts (American Library Association,…
Jill Locke (Political Science)
Jill Locke delivered a keynote lecture, “‘His Majesty the Baby’: Donald Trump as the (Shameless) Child in Chief,” for the Shame and Democracy Workshop at…
Justin Knoepfel (Music)
Justin Knoepfel (was invited to conduct the Iowa Junior High Festival Orchestra at Iowa State as part of the Iowa Music Educators Association (IMEA) annual…
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