Faculty Spotlight: Maria Isabel Kalbermatten Posted on February 28th, 2024 by

Maria Isabel Kalbermatten (Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures) co-authored the article “Tato Bores, Monólogo 2000: carnaval, sátira política y destrucción de la autoridad” (In Spanish) with Alicia Ocampo. Examining the discourse of the renowned Argentine humorist Mauricio Benjamín Borensztein (1927–1996), known as Tato Bores, the authors delve into his iconic televised political monologues from 1957 to 1993.

Tato Bores: The Carnival of Political Satire

Kalbermatten and Ocampo assert that Tato Bores operates within a carnivalesque and inherently egalitarian realm, vividly brought to life by his distinctive costume of a tailcoat, wig, cigar, and glasses. They emphasize the varied rituals at the beginning and end of each performance, illustrating how Tato subverts the hegemonic authority of official monologic discourse through sharp political satire and the dialogical organization of his monologues.

Rituals of Subversion: Examining Monólogo 2000

The study delves into the analysis of the renowned Monologue 2000, presented in 1990, where Tato Bores humorously and critically revisits the political events of the preceding 30 years of Argentine history. Incorporating insights from satire scholars Rachel Caufield, George Test, and Mikhail Bakhtin’s carnivalesque concept, Kalbermatten and Ocampo unravel the nuanced layers of Bores’ subversive strategies.

Dialogical Organization and Satirical Techniques

Meticulously exploring Tato Bores’ dialogical organization and satirical techniques, Kalbermatten and Ocampo reveal a nuanced deconstruction of authoritative structures within the carnivalesque realm. They highlight Bores’ strategic use of a dialogue-driven approach, transcending traditional monologues and creating space for alternative perspectives. Bores’ satirical techniques, infused with sharp political humor, fortify his subversive agenda by exposing contradictions and absurdities in the political landscape.

“Humor bajo autoridad”: HIOL Publication

Featured in the volume “Humor bajo autoridad” published by Hispanic Issues On Line (HIOL), their research contributes significantly to the open-access, peer-reviewed scholarly electronic publication from the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Minnesota. HIOL serves as an international platform for exploring Hispanic and Lusophone cultures, fostering new research and addressing contemporary issues in these disciplines.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, Kalbermatten and Ocampo’s exploration of Tato Bores’ carnivalesque subversion in “Monólogo 2000” sheds light on the multifaceted strategies employed by the Argentine humorist to dismantle authoritative narratives. By blending sharp political satire with dialogical intricacies, Bores not only challenges prevailing norms but also erodes the foundations of hierarchical power structures. This study, encapsulated in the “Humor bajo autoridad” volume of HIOL, significantly contributes to the scholarly discourse on political satire, emphasizing its pivotal role in questioning and reshaping societal perceptions of authority.


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