Month: September 2020

  • Faculty Spotlight: Jessica Stadick

    Jessica Stadick (Nursing) published an article in the Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice titled “Understanding health care professionals’ attitudes towards working in teams and interprofessional collaborative competencies: A mixed methods analysis.” This article focused on the qualitative data from a mixed methods study; the quantitative data was previously published in the same journal earlier…

  • Faculty Spotlight: Jessica Stadick

    Jessica Stadick (Nursing) published an article in Public Health Nursing with Kirstin Buck ’17, and former faculty member Marian Frazier. The publication was led by Buck and was based on her undergraduate research study while she was a Gustavus nursing student. The study is titled, “Preparing for sperm-targeted contraception: College students’ perceptions and intentions related…

  • Faculty Spotlight: Sarah Hauss

    Sarah Hauss (Theatre and Dance) received a $10,000 Metropolitan Regional Arts Grant to present a choreographers evening called Inbox@ArtBox in the Twin Cities. Numerous Gustavus dance alumni were selected by a selection panel to perform in the event.

  • Faculty Spotlight: Eric Dugdale

    Eric Dugdale (Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies) co-authored with Adriana Brook and John Gruber-Miller “Careers for Classicists,” a career guide for classics majors published by the Society for Classical Studies, with online and print versions.