Year: 2017
Denis Crnković (Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures)
Denis Crnković presented a paper, “Edith Sodergran’s ‘Silently, Silently, Silently:’ Looking for the Feminine in Terrorism – a Slavist’s View” for the CLCS Nordic section forum, “Modernist Poetry and Poetics in the North,” at the 2017 Modern Language Association Annual Convention in Philadelphia.
Dwight Stoll (Chemistry) Wins EAS Young Investigator Award
Associate Professor of Chemistry Dwight Stoll will receive the 2017 EAS Young Investigator Award. This award is sponsored by the Eastern Analytical Symposium, one of the premier conferences in analytical chemistry in the U.S., and recognizes “…those who have made significant practical contributions to the field of analytical chemistry that have helped advance the state…
Marta Podemska-Mikluch (Economics and Management)
Marta Podemska-Mikluch published a co-authored paper in Review of Political Economy entitled Economic Coordination across Divergent Institutional Frameworks: Dissolving a Theoretical Antinomy. The paper follows Albert Hirschman’s seminal “Exit, Voice, and Loyalty” in the search for a broader understanding of social coordination, beyond price coordination typically explored in economics. Specifically, Podemska-Mikluch and Wagner explore how…
Provost Office Blog Submission Guidelines
We welcome submissions to the Provost Office blog. Here are our submission guidelines to help you craft and submit your post. Thematic Focus: Our focus is to showcase our faculty’s professional accomplishments as well as interesting ways in which they engage our students. The Provost Office blog is not a substitute for shorter announcements of…
From History Major to Management Consultant
Following a post-graduation stint in Sweden as a tutor of English and semi-professional bandy player (Google it!), history major Wyatt Wenzel (Class of 2014) returned to Minnesota and embarked on a career with Minneapolis-based Traust Consulting. What could possibly be the relevance of majoring in history to consulting in the private sector? “A Gustavus History…
Yurie Hong (Classics)
Yurie Hong published an article entitled “Playing Zeus: Reproductive Technology and Lessons from Hesiod” in the online journal Eidolon. This article developed out of the planning of the upcoming Nobel Conference on Reproductive Technologies. It examines the Greek poet Hesiod’s retelling of the myths of Zeus’ rise and the birth of Athena to reflect on…
Preparing for Everything by Majoring in History
In 2007 Paul Anderson graduated from Gustavus with a B.A. in history and minors in studio art and Scandinavian studies. If you assume Paul then entered law school, graduate school, or teaching, or faced dismal employment prospects, you would be wrong. Over nine years he has had a varied and rewarding work experience, most recently…
Joaquín Villanueva (Geography)
Joaquín Villanueva published the chapter “Mobile authority: Prosecutorial spaces in the Parisian banlieue” in the book Carceral Mobilities: Interrogating Movement in Incarceration, edited by Jennifer Turner and Kimberley Peters. Villanueva also organized, edited, and wrote the introduction to the symposium “Did we accomplish the revolution in geographic thought?” The introduction is available online at
From History B.A. to Nestlé S.A.
At Gustavus, Allie Skjerven Boyd, Class of 2010, double-majored in Russian and history. Not long after graduating she was hired by Nestlé, the world’s largest food and beverage corporation, where she is currently a Customer Account Associate for the mega-company’s Target (as in the department store) Team. An unusual combination, humanities and business? Hardly. Allie’s…