Category: Faculty Awards
Marian Broida, 2018 Provost’s Award for Teaching Excellence Winner, Religion Department
Marian Broida was selected as the 2018 recipient of the Provost’s Award for Teaching Excellence. Presented each year at the final faculty meeting, this award recognizes a Gustavus non-tenure-track faculty member for significant contributions to teaching and learning.
Paschal Kyoore, 2018 Faculty Scholarly Accomplishment Award, Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Department
Paschal Kyoore was selected as the 2018 recipient of the Gustavus Faculty Scholarly Accomplishment Award. Presented each year at Honors Day, this award is the highest accolade a Gustavus faculty member can receive for distinguished scholarly achievements.
Mansergh Faculty Scientific Research Award
The Office of the Provost is pleased to announce the newly-created Mansergh Faculty Scientific Research Award, which will be awarded to a faculty member for an academic article judged “best” among those published by Gustavus Adolphus College faculty in the current or preceding two calendar years. This award is open to any faculty member in…
Chris Gilbert, 2017 Faculty Service Award Winner, Political Science Department
Chris Gilbert was selected as the 2017 recipient of the Gustavus Faculty Service Award. Presented each year at Founder’s Day, this award is the highest accolade a Gustavus faculty member can receive for distinguished service activities.
Pamela Kittelson, 2017 Carlson Award Winner, Biology Department
Every year, former recipients of the Edgar M. Carlson Award for Distinguished Teaching meet to review the new crop of nominations. In 2016, those former recipients established several criteria that they would look for in the nominees. This year’s recipient has garnered praise from students and colleagues in all of those areas, and has been…
Eric Elias, 2017 Provost’s Award for Teaching Excellence Winner, Biology Department
Eric Elias was selected as the 2017 recipient of the Provost’s Award for Teaching Excellence. Presented each year at the final faculty meeting, this award recognizes a Gustavus non-tenure-track faculty member for significant contributions to teaching and learning.
Jill Locke, 2017 Faculty Scholarly Accomplishment Award, Political Science Department
Jill Locke was selected as the 2017 recipient of the Gustavus Faculty Scholarly Accomplishment Award. Presented each year at Honors Day, this award is the highest accolade a Gustavus faculty member can receive for distinguished scholarly achievements.
Lisa Heldke, 2016 Faculty Service Award Winner, Philosophy Department
Lisa Heldke was selected as the 2016 recipient of the Gustavus Faculty Service Award. Presented each year at Founder’s Day, this award is the highest accolade a Gustavus faculty member can receive for distinguished service activities.
Eric Carlson, 2016 Carlson Award Winner, History Department
It is my great honor to introduce this year’s Carlson winner…since good teaching requires good students, I am going to read some quotes students have written about this outstanding teacher. One student wrote: “His investment in education for himself and his students shows through his enthusiasm in and out of the classroom and in his…
David Obermiller, 2015 Carlson Award Winner, History Department
The Edgar M. Carlson Award for Distinguished Teaching is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a Gustavus faculty member. Nominations are accepted from students, faculty, and staff, which document examples of the faculty member’s excellence in the classroom, enthusiasm for teaching and advising, and the use of particularly innovative or collaborative teaching methods.…