Author: snowell
Florence Amamoto, 1998 Carlson Award Winner, English Department
The Edgar M. Carlson Award for Distinguished Teaching is awarded each year to a member of the faculty who has demonstrated exceptional skill and effectiveness as a teacher. Though we are scholars and research is dear to our hearts and our minds, it is the personal intellectual relationship the professor has with students that we…
Mark Johnson, 1997 Carlson Award Winner, Geology Department
President Steuer, today we pause in the midst of honoring the Class of 1997 to present for the twenty-seventh time the Edgar M. Carlson Award for Distinguished Teaching, selected by the previous recipients based on nominations from students, faculty and staff. The late physicist Richard Feynman once described for a young correspondent an ideal approach…
Christopher Gilbert, 1996 Carlson Award Winner, Political Science Department
In deed and in truth the faculty at Gustavus Adolphus College is a community of highly educated persons dedicated to teaching. Year after year, class after class, students move to take their places in a glorious alumnae that remember and continue to praise the many fine teachers who have inspired them and have had an…
Ann Brady, 1995 Carlson Award Winner, English Department
There are many capacities that students recognize in an excellent teacher-the ability to inspire, to communicate passionately about one’s discipline, to lead students onto roads less traveled, to attend creatively to the individual needs of students, to introduce them to the wonder and complexity of one’s own research, and above all to celebrate in the…
Thomas Emmert, 1994 Carlson Award Winner, History Department
Few liberal arts college are so blessed as is Gustavus in having an Edgar Carlson legacy. After serving as a religion professor, Edgar M. Carlson became president of Gustavus Adolphus College when he was 36 and led the College for 24 years from 1944 to I968. During that time, he not only made the College…
Ronald Christenson, 1993 Carlson Award Winner, Political Science Department
The Edgar M. Carlson Award for Distinguished Teaching is awarded each year to a faculty member who has demonstrated exceptional skill and talent as an instructor. Nominations from faculty and students are carefully evaluated by a panel of former Edgar M. Carlson Award winners and discussed at great length before making a recommendation to the…
Douglas Huff, 1992 Carlson Award Winner, Philosophy Department
The Edgar M. Carlson Award for Distinguished Teaching is awarded each year to a faculty member who, in the eyes of colleagues and students, has demonstrated unusual gifts as an instructor. Nominations from faculty and students are sifted by a panel of experts, former Edgar Carlson Award winners, and discussed at great length before making…
Marlene Flory, 1991 Carlson Award Winner, Classics Department
About this year’s Carlson Award winner, students sometimes tell only half the story. One freshman says this instructor is “always demanding, requiring us to work to our potential.” A sophomore says: “knows what questions to ask in order to make you think…tough, but well worth it.” Hearing this alone, we might conclude that this instructor…
William Dean, 1990 Carlson Award Winner, Religion Department
The Edgar M. Carlson Award for Distinguished Teaching was established at Gustavus Adolphus College in 1971. In granting this award annually at graduation, we, together as students, alumni, faculty and administrators, celebrate the goal of this college in expanding and enhancing our intellectual abilities, and we celebrate the essential influence of distinguished teaching in achieving…
Linnea Wren, 1989 Carlson Award Winner, Art and Art History Department
The tradition of presenting the Edgar M. Carlson Award for Distinguished Teaching to a Gustavus faculty member is now 18 years old. The board of trustees established this award to honor the former college president for his leadership and commitment to academic excellence at Gustavus. This year the award goes to Dr. Linnea Wren, department…