Year: 2023

  • Faculty Spotlight: Paschal Kyoore

    Some years ago, I met Gabonese writer Sylvie Ntsame when I was invited to be an interpreter for her at the Pan African Writers Association (PAWA) conference in Accra, capital of Ghana. I subsequently discovered she had published four novels. One semester, I included one of her novels in my course on francophone African and…

  • Faculty Spotlight: Yurie Hong

    Yurie Hong (Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies) has received an “Award for Excellence in Teaching Classics at the College Level” from the Society for Classical Studies. Profiles of award recipients are available on the Society for Classical Studies (SCS) website.

  • Mia Eisenbacher Library Career Internship

    During the 2023 Fall semester, Mia Eisenbacher ’24 completed an internship at the Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library. Her faculty sponsor, Michelle Twait, sat down to talk with her about the experience. Could you say a few words about your internship at the Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library? What were your goals for the experience? What did…

  • Faculty Spotlight: James Patrick Miller

    James Patrick Miller (Music) is excited to conduct the Gustavus Wind Orchestra’s J-term 2024 tour to Las Vegas. The ensemble will be working with high school music groups, including the Las Vegas Academy of the Arts, a Grammy Award-winning music conservatory. They will also perform for Community Lutheran Church, where one of the pastors (Brian…

  • Faculty Spotlight: Brandon Dean

    Brandon Dean (Music) is excited to conduct the Gustavus Choir’s J-term 2024 tour. The choir will make its way from Owatonna, Minnesota, to Dublin, Ohio, and with stops to perform in numerous cities along the way, including Iowa City, Fort Wayne, Ann Arbor, and Madison.

  • Faculty Spotlight: Lisa Ortmann

    Lisa Ortmann (Education) presented research, “Centering student voice: Exploring equity and power through disciplinary literacies with content area preservice teachers,” at the National Council of Teachers of English in Columbus, OH.

  • Faculty Spotlight: Jill Locke

    Jill Locke (Political Science) presented a paper, “Childhood Innocence and Moral Authority: Shaming Dialectics in the Youth Climate Movement,” to the Shamelessness East and West Colloquium at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China (virtual) and the Political Theory Colloquium at University of Notre Dame (in person). This paper is part of a book Locke is…

  • Faculty Spotlight: Sarah Lahasky

    Sarah Lahasky (Music) was nominated as incoming editor for the International Society of Bassists’ peer-reviewed journal.

  • Faculty Spotlight: Yurie Hong

    Yurie Hong (Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies) delivered an invited lecture, “Oh, the Places You’ll Go: Reflections on Classics and Unexpected Professional Paths,” at Parnassus Preparatory School in Maple Grove.

  • Faculty Spotlight: Mimi Gerstbauer

    Mimi Gerstbauer (Political Science) was invited as a virtual speaker at the Christian Alliance for Inclusive Development’s “Welcoming Table.” Mimi was invited to speak in her capacity as Chair of the Peace and Hope International Board, about the role of boards in creating gender-inclusive organizations in global development. She is also giving five adult education…