Month: June 2019

  • Madeline Harms (Psychological Science)

    Madeline Harms published an article, “Adolescent Suicide Attempts and Ideation Are Linked to Brain Function during Peer Interactions,” in Psychiatry Research. The article outlines a study that demonstrates that depressed adolescents with high suicidal ideation and adolescents who previously attempted suicide show unique patterns of brain activity during a virtual peer interaction compared to healthy adolescents…

  • Annika Ericksen (Sociology and Anthropology)

    Annika Ericksen has an article accepted for publication in the journal Intercultural Education. The article draws from her experiences teaching cultural anthropology at Gustavus and is entitled “Practicing with peers: ethnographic interviews to inspire intercultural engagement at a small liberal arts college.”

  • Jeremy Robinson (Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures)

    Jeremy Robinson and students Ingrid Kubisa ’21 and Reidun Kubisa ’21 created “Mwami et Moi,” a visual novel-based game teaching about village culture in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. In the game, players make choices as the Mwami, or leader/tradition keeper of the village, with the goal of leading the village to prosperity, and…

  • Anna Hulseberg and Michelle Twait (Library)

    Anna Hulseberg and Michelle Twait gave an invited presentation on student research practices at ProQuest Information Solutions in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on June 12, 2019.

  • Angelique Dwyer (Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures)

    Angelique Dwyer published two creative non-fiction stories written in Spanglish. The first is titled: “Gringos Mexicanos” and the second: “Doce horas: A Family Border Tale.” Both are published through PORTAL: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies. Volume 16, Number 1/2. August 2019.