Year: 2016

  • Yumiko Oshima-Ryan and Barb Leibundgth (Music)

    Yumiko Oshima-Ryan and Barb Leibundgth are invited to perform for the College Music Society’s Showcase concert during the Fifty-Ninth National Conference in Santa Fe in October. Oshima-Ryan (piano) and Leibundgth (flute) will perform “Digital Bird Suite” by Japanese composer Takashi Yoshimatsu (b. 1953). The CMS Program Committee has selected the work for presentation during one…

  • Ana Adams (Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures)

    Ana Adams published an article titled “Humor étnico en El Conde Lucanor” in Ehumanista, Journal of Iberian Studies 34, 407-423.

  • Jill Locke (Political Science)

    The Institute for Advanced Study featured an excerpt from Jill Locke’s book, Democracy and the Death of Shame, on the front page of its website. Locke was a member at the Institute during her 2014-15 sabbatical.

  • Dwight Stoll (Chemistry)

    Dwight Stoll received funding from the Agilent Technologies Foundation for the one-year project “Development of 2D-LC-MS/MS Methods for the Analysis of Host Cell Proteins (HCPs) in Monoclonal Antibody Materials.” Dwight also received funding through a University of St. Thomas grant from the State of Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund for the three-year project…

  • The Provost’s Award for Teaching Excellence to a Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Member

    The Office of the Provost is excited to announce the newly-created Provost’s Award for Teaching Excellence to a Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Member. This award was created to recognize a Gustavus non-tenure-track faculty member for significant contributions to teaching and learning. Eligibility: This award is open to any continuing, adjunct, visiting, or part-time faculty member as defined…

  • Eric Carlson, 2016 Carlson Award Winner, History Department

    Eric Carlson, 2016 Carlson Award Winner, History Department

    It is my great honor to introduce this year’s Carlson winner…since good teaching requires good students, I am going to read some quotes students have written about this outstanding teacher. One student wrote: “His investment in education for himself and his students shows through his enthusiasm in and out of the classroom and in his…

  • David Obermiller, 2015 Carlson Award Winner, History Department

    David Obermiller, 2015 Carlson Award Winner, History Department

    The Edgar M. Carlson Award for Distinguished Teaching is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a Gustavus faculty member. Nominations are accepted from students, faculty, and staff, which document examples of the faculty member’s excellence in the classroom, enthusiasm for teaching and advising, and the use of particularly innovative or collaborative teaching methods.…

  • Matthew Panciera, 2014 Carlson Award Winner, Classics Department

    Matthew Panciera, 2014 Carlson Award Winner, Classics Department

    Each year at commencement a faculty member is honored with the Edgar M. Carlson Award for Distinguished Teaching in recognition of his or her exceptional skill and effectiveness as an instructor. The 2014 recipient is Matt Panciera, PhD, associate professor of classics at Gustavus. Professor Panciera “makes Gustavus a special place, where students not only…

  • Rebecca Fremo, 2013 Carlson Award Winner, English Department

    Rebecca Fremo, 2013 Carlson Award Winner, English Department

    Each year at commencement a faculty member is honored with the Edgar M. Carlson Award for Distinguished Teaching in recognition of his or her exceptional skill and effectiveness as an instructor. The 2013 recipient is Rebecca Taylor Fremo, associate professor and chair of the English Department at Gustavus. Fremo received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees…

  • Alisa Rosenthal, 2012 Carlson Award Winner, Political Science Department

    Alisa Rosenthal, 2012 Carlson Award Winner, Political Science Department

    Horace Mann, the father of modern public education in America, once said, “A teacher—who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn—is hammering on cold iron.” The 2012 Edgar Carlson Award winner knows NOTHING about hammering on cold iron, as evidenced by the following statements from students: “This professor is…