Year: 2016

  • Kathi Tunheim (Economics and Management)

    Elizabeth Johnson ’14 and Kathi Tunheim, published an article, “Understanding the Experiences of Professional Women Leaders Living and Working in Sweden,” in the Advances in Developing Human Resources Journal. Kathi and Dr. Susan Madsen, Utah Valley University, presented a professional development workshop on “Using Innovative Reflection Practices in Management Education,” at the Academy of Management…

  • Michael Hvidsten (Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics)

    Michael Hvidsten gave a presentation titled “Concrete Conics and Pencils in Projective Geometry” at the Mathematical Association of America MathFest meeting in Columbus Ohio.

  • Emily Gunawan (Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics)

    Emily Gunawan has been selected to participate in Project NExT (New Experiences in Teaching), a professional development program for new or recent PhDs in the mathematical sciences. Project NExT addresses all aspects of an academic career and provides the participants with a network of peers and mentors as they assume these responsibilities. Since 1994, over…

  • Laura Triplett and Julie Bartley (Geology)

    Laura Triplett and Julie Bartley wrote an article about the Gustavus Climate Change Across the Curriculum Integrate project that was published in the July 2016 issue of In the Trenches, the quarterly magazine of the National Association of Geoscience Teachers.

  • Lucie Holmgreen (Psychological Science)

    Gustavus welcomes our new tenure-track colleague, Lucie Holmgreen. Lucie will join the Department of Psychological Science in January 2017. Holmgreen holds bachelor’s degree from the Ohio State University and both a master’s degree and Ph.D. from Marquette University. Her primary clinical and research specialties include: college sexual assault, sexual re-victimization and sexual aggression, posttraumatic stress…

  • Hayley Russell (Health and Exercise Science)

    Gustavus welcomes our new tenure-track colleague, Hayley Russell. Hayley earned a bachelor’s degree at Saint Francis Xavier University, a master’s degree at Wilfrid Laurier University, and doctorate at the University of Minnesota. Her academic interests lie in the broad domain of sports medicine psychology.

  • Brookhart Shields (Biology)

    Gustavus welcomes our new tenure-track colleague, Brookhart Shields. Brooke joins the Department of Biology in a tenure-track position, having previously served as a Visiting Assistant Professor in the department in the 2015-16 academic year. Shields completed her bachelor’s degree at Winona State University and her Ph.D. at the University of Iowa-Iowa City. Her graduate thesis…

  • Shu-Ling Wang (Economics and Management)

    Gustavus welcomes our new tenure-track colleague, Shu-Ling Wang. Shu-Ling holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from National Chengchi University and a master’s degree and doctorate from Indiana University-Bloomington. Her primary research interests include macroeconomics, international finance, and monetary economics.

  • Leila Brammer (Communication Studies)

    Leila Brammer was interviewed on WCCO Radio about campaign rhetoric.

  • Sarah Wolter (Communication Studies)

    Sarah Wolter was on WCCO Radio to comment on gendered coverage of the Olympics.