Tag: sociology and anthropology

  • Faculty Spotlight: Lai Sze Tso

    Faculty Spotlight: Lai Sze Tso

    Lai Sze Tso (Sociology and Anthropology) presented her paper “Sandwich Caregivers and the Eldercare Ecosystem in Minnesota” at the Applied Demography Conference –Population Association of America Annual Meeting in Tucson, AZ. She also served as a panel reviewer for the Cultural Expression Grant for the Minnesota State Arts Board in 2024-25.

  • Faculty Spotlight: Lai Sze Tso

    Lai Sze Tso (Sociology and Anthropology) has been appointed to serve as on the Education Board of the American Public Health Association, one of the largest public health non-profits in the U.S.

  • Faculty Spotlight: Lai Sze Tso

    Lai Sze Tso (Sociology and Anthropology) was invited to receive the award for the Gustavus Chapter of Alpha Kappa Delta (AKD) at the American Sociological Association in Montreal, Canada. The Gustavus AKD chapter was selected from among 700 chapters internationally.

  • Faculty Spotlight: Sara Conrad

    Sara Conrad (Sociology/Anthropology) presented her paper “What Does It Mean to be a Caregiver? Tibetan Women’s Views from the Exile Community of Minnesota,” at the annual conference for the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) in Boston on March 18, 2023.

  • Faculty Spotlight: Lai Sze Tso

    Lai Sze Tso (Sociology and Anthropology) was invited to serve on the Editorial Board of the Asian Journal of Medical Humanities. This invitation builds on her recent publication in Journal of Medical Internet Research-Medical Education (Jul-Sep 2022 Issue) and guest editorship on Infectious Diseases at Frontiers in Medicine.

  • Faculty Spotlight: Sara Conrad

    Sara Conrad (Sociology and Anthropology) presented her paper, “OPC – Other People’s Children – Tibetan Nannies, Tibetan Motherhood, and Flexible Mothering,” at the 16th seminar of the International Tibetan Studies conference, which took place in Prague, Czech Republic. This paper looked at nannying in New York City and how Tibetan nannies are expected to perform…

  • Annika Ericksen (Sociology and Anthropology)

    Annika Ericksen has an article accepted for publication in the journal Intercultural Education. The article draws from her experiences teaching cultural anthropology at Gustavus and is entitled “Practicing with peers: ethnographic interviews to inspire intercultural engagement at a small liberal arts college.”

  • Suzanne Wilson (Sociology and Anthropology)

    With Gisela Cardoso, Elizabeth Moreira dos Santos, Yibeltal Kiflie, Kifle Woldemichael and Wuleta Lemma, Suzanne Wilson published an article, “Strategic Analysis of Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Actions in Brazil and Ethiopia: One Size Fits All?” in the International Journal of Public Health, Volume 62, Issue 2 (March).

  • Suzanne Wilson (Sociology and Anthropology)

    Suzanne Wilson attended the XXXIV International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. She presented the paper, “What Is in a Label? A Comparison of the Colombian Paramilitaries and the BACRIM” and organized the panel, “Ambivalent Legality: The Cultural Politics of (De)criminalization in Colombia.”