Tag: political science

  • Jill Locke (Political Science)

    Jill Locke participated in an author-meets-critics panel discussion of her book, Democracy and the Death of Shame: Political Equality and Social Disturbance, at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association in San Francisco, California.

  • Kate Knutson (Political Science)

    Kate Knutson was selected to participate in the Teaching Poverty 101 Workshop at the Institute for Research on Poverty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison this summer. The workshop is designed to help college instructors plan courses on the causes, consequences, and cures of poverty.

  • Jill Locke (Political Science)

    Jill Locke gave a talk titled “The Trump Presidency and the Death of Shame” as the 37th Annual G. Theodore Mitau Lecture at Macalester College. Locke also visited and discussed her work with students in Postcolonial Political Theory and Foundations of Political Theory.

  • Kate Knutson (Political Science)

    Kate Knutson was awarded a grant by Pi Sigma Alpha, a National Political Science Honors Society. The grant will be used to help Gustavus chapter host the 2018 Midwest Political Science Undergraduate Research Conference in April.

  • Eric Dugdale (Classics) and Loramy Gerstbauer (Political Science)

    Eric Dugdale  and Loramy Gerstbauer published an article, “Forms of Justice in Aeschylus’ Eumenides” in Polis, the Journal for Ancient Political Science. The article was part of the Möbius Initiative, which supports collaboration across disciplinary boundaries.

  • Jill Locke (Political Science)

    Jill Locke delivered a keynote lecture, “‘His Majesty the Baby’: Donald Trump as the (Shameless) Child in Chief,” for the Shame and Democracy Workshop at the University of Amsterdam in October.

  • Chris Gilbert, 2017 Faculty Service Award Winner, Political Science Department

    Chris Gilbert was selected as the 2017 recipient of the Gustavus Faculty Service Award. Presented each year at Founder’s Day, this award is the highest accolade a Gustavus faculty member can receive for distinguished service activities.

  • Chris Gilbert (Political Science)

    Chris Gilbert and co-authors Alexander Jensen ’18 and Joseph Cella ’18 have published a book chapter, “The Resurgence of Evangelical Political Strength in 2016 Minnesota Electoral Politics,” which will appear in the forthcoming book God at the Grassroots 2016: The Christian Right in American Politics (Rowman and Littlefield Publishers).

  • Jill Locke (Political Science)

    Jill Locke published an essay, “Against Nostalgia: The Political Theory of Ida B. Wells,” in American Political Thought: An Alternative Reader (Routledge Press, 2017).

  • Jill Locke, 2017 Faculty Scholarly Accomplishment Award, Political Science Department

    Jill Locke, 2017 Faculty Scholarly Accomplishment Award, Political Science Department

    Jill Locke was selected as the 2017 recipient of the Gustavus Faculty Scholarly Accomplishment Award. Presented each year at Honors Day, this award is the highest accolade a Gustavus faculty member can receive for distinguished scholarly achievements.