Tag: chemistry

  • Jeff Jeremiason (Chemistry)

    Jeff Jeremiason published an article, “Contemporary Mobilization of Legacy Lead (Pb) Stores by Dissolved Organic Matter in a Boreal Peatland” in Environmental Science and Technology. Co-authors included Erin Baumann ’17, Alison Agather ’13, Emily Seelen ’13, and Ben Carlson-Stehlin ’11.

  • Dwight Stoll (Chemistry)

    Dwight Stoll published a book chapter, “Introduction to Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography – Theory and Practice” in the Handbook of Advanced Chromatography /Mass Spectrometry Techniques, published by Elsevier. Stoll also published an article, “How to Take Maximum Advantage of Column-Type Selectivity” in LCGC Magazine.

  • Jeff Jeremiason (Chemistry)

    Jeff Jeremiason’s research article in the journal Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts was selected to be included in a showcase collection on Natural Organic Matter (NOM). Co-authors include Josh Portner ’16 and Doug Latch ’98.

  • Chuck Niederriter (Physics)

    Chuck Niederriter presented a report on the InTeGrate program at Gustavus at the summer meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers in Cincinnati on July 24. The paper, titled “Climate Science Across the Liberal Arts Curriculum at Gustavus Adolphus College”, was co-authored by Julie Bartley (Geology), Thomas Huber (Physics), James Dontje (Johnson Center), and…

  • Scott Bur (Chemistry)

    Scott Bur gave a talk with his collaborator Will Pomerantz (University of Minnesota) titled “Discovery-based research using fragment synthesis and protein-observed 19F NMR in an undergraduate organic laboratory” at the recent national American Chemical Society Meeting in San Francisco. The talk described a collaboration between Gustavus and the University of Minnesota that brings research projects…

  • Brandy Russell (Chemistry)

    Anna Krieger ’17 attended the American Chemical Society national meeting in San Francisco, CA, where she presented a poster on the research that she has been conducting in collaboration with Dr. Brandy Russell. Anna got started in Dr. Russell’s lab through the FYRE (First-Year Research Experience) summer program in 2014, studying the structure and behavior…

  • Dwight Stoll (Chemistry) Gives Invited Seminar at Iowa State University

    Associate Professor of Chemistry Dwight Stoll gave an invited seminar at Iowa State University Department of Chemistry on January 27, 2017. The presentation, entitled “At the heart of the matter – Virtues, challenges, and progress associated with the interface in two-dimensional liquid chromatography”, featured research results from the work of Gusties Ray Sajulga (’17), Carston…

  • Dwight Stoll (Chemistry) Wins EAS Young Investigator Award

    Associate Professor of Chemistry Dwight Stoll will receive the 2017 EAS Young Investigator Award. This award is sponsored by the Eastern Analytical Symposium, one of the premier conferences in analytical chemistry in the U.S., and recognizes “…those who have made significant practical contributions to the field of analytical chemistry that have helped advance the state…

  • Dwight Stoll (Chemistry)

    Dwight Stoll received funding from the Agilent Technologies Foundation for the one-year project “Development of 2D-LC-MS/MS Methods for the Analysis of Host Cell Proteins (HCPs) in Monoclonal Antibody Materials.” Dwight also received funding through a University of St. Thomas grant from the State of Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund for the three-year project…

  • Gretchen Hofmeister, 2001 Carlson Award Winner, Chemistry Department

    Gretchen Hofmeister, 2001 Carlson Award Winner, Chemistry Department

    Though this professor teaches what students describe as “one of the toughest and most dreaded” classes at Gustavus, high praise has streamed in from students with an astonishing variety of majors: studio art, biology, biochemistry, chemistry, criminal justice, economics, management, international management, life science teaching, history, philosophy, psychology, and political science. They praise her “inexhaustible…