Author: snowell

  • Paschal Kyoore: Religious Diversity at a Lutheran College

    If I were not an African Catholic at a Lutheran college, then I would not be in such a good position to help my students discuss such examples, understand the complexity of cultures, and respect and appreciate how peoples of other cultures practice their religions. Paschal Kyoore Professor of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures ###…

  • Sarah Ruble: Religious Diversity at a Lutheran College

    What I would say as an evangelical-ish person to evangelicals (and others) is this: Gustavus’s Lutheran heritage is, yes, a challenge that creates a lot of hard questions. It is also an opportunity. It allows for a dialogue we need in a religious, secular, interconnected, interdependent, overly-armed world. Sarah Ruble Associate Professor of Religion ###…

  • Deborah Goodwin: Core Values Inside and Outside the Classroom

    Grounded in a sense of calling, alert to the complex, shifting relationships that arise for each life in the world, excellence can be a powerful, steadfast fulcrum, uniting faculty, staff and students to create works of lasting purpose, meaning, and beauty. Deborah L. Goodwin Associate Professor of Religion ### Excerpted from Rooted in a Distinctive…

  • Tommy Valentini: Core Values Inside and Outside the Classroom

    We believe in the power of community to make a positive difference in our lives and our world. All who study or work at Gustavus are part of its community. We are known as “Gusties,” and we are bound together in a particular time and place. Tommy Valentini Steve Wilkinson Professor of Sport Ethics and…

  • Jeff Dahlseid: Distinctive Pursuits Rooted in our Heritage

    The commitment to vocation at Gustavus is rooted in the college’s Lutheran identity, which means that it is actively inclusive of other worldviews, spiritualties, and philosophies as well. Jeff Dahlseid Associate Professor of Biology and Chemistry ### Excerpted from Rooted in a Distinctive Tradition, Open to the World: Reflections Across Campus on the Heritage, Character,…

  • Ursula Lindqvist: Distinctive Pursuits Rooted in our Heritage

    In Scandinavian corporate and agrarian cultures, teamwork and collaboration are highly valued—even expected—and the same is true at Gustavus. Faculty, staff, and students are highly engaged in collaborative projects across campus, and shared governance is taken very seriously. Ursula Lindqvist Assistant Professor of Scandinavian Studies ### Excerpted from Rooted in a Distinctive Tradition, Open to…

  • Gregory Aune: Distinctive Pursuits Rooted in our Heritage

    The curriculum of the Music Department at Gustavus aspires to teach all students who study music here or participate in ensembles to express themselves intelligently and artistically through a broad range of genres in music performance, composition, and discourse. Their experiences consistently affirm the transformational nature of music in a liberal arts education, which in…

  • Scott Bur: Distinctive Pursuits Rooted in our Heritage

    By offering our students both a world-class education in math and science and substantive reflection on ethics, religion, and their own vocations, Gustavus prepares all students, whatever their backgrounds or future careers, to be leaders in addressing today’s complex challenges. Scott Bur Professor of Chemistry ### Excerpted from Rooted in a Distinctive Tradition, Open to…

  • Kathi Tunheim: National and International Connections Facilitated by our Lutheran Affiliation

    We are colleges and universities of the ELCA. Our common calling is to be excellent schools that educate students for lives of meaning and purpose in the world. Our academic missions and institutional identities are grounded in specific geographical, ethnic, cultural, and academic contexts, but have in common a Lutheran heritage that has shaped those…

  • Justin Knoepfel: National and International Connections Facilitated by our Lutheran Affiliation

    By attending national or international venues that bring together representatives from a wide range of religiously-affiliated institutions, members of our community are bound to bring back new ideas about teaching, scholarship, faith, and ethical concerns that will serve us all, as we all strive to help to make Gustavus and the world a better place.…