Author: snowell
Faculty Spotlight: Maria Isabel Kalbermatten
Maria Isabel Kalbermatten (Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures) published the article “Depicting ‘La Grieta‘: The Role of Political Satire and Humor in Argentinean Polarization.” In this article, Kalbermatten explores “la grieta” in Argentine society, the deep and irreconcilable division, primarily between Kirchneristas and Anti-Kirchneristas, that fragments and polarizes the nation. It significantly shapes political, social,…
Faculty Spotlight: Marcia Bunge
Marcia J. Bunge (Religion) published a chapter on “Christianity, Child Well-Being, and Corporal Punishment” in a volume entitled Faith in Law, Law in Faith. The book’s three co-editors, R. Domingo Oslé, G. Hauk, and T. P. Jackson, have led various interdisciplinary and international projects, including at Emory University’s Center for the Study of Law and…
Faculty Spotlight: Peg O’Connor
Peg O’Connor (Philosophy) published an opinion piece “We Need Federal Cannabis Legislation,” in MinnPost.
Faculty Spotlight: Kathy Lund Dean
Kathy Lund Dean (Business and Economics) will be returning to Rikkyo University in Tokyo this summer on a Fulbright Specialist award. Continuing her work from last year, she will be helping business school faculty and administrators with their initial AACSB accreditation efforts, helping with scholarship development and publishing, and (hopefully) finalizing the Gustavus direct admission…
Faculty Spotlight: Aaron Banks
Aaron Banks (Health and Exercise Science) spoke and was honored at the “Minnesota Athletes Celebration” on April 8, 2024.
Faculty Spotlight: Denis Crnkovic
Denis Crnković (Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, retired) recently conducted two seminars about the history, theory, and practice of letterpress printing at New Ulm’s Grand Center for Arts and Culture Cellar Press studio.
Faculty Spotlight: Carlos Mejia Suarez
Carlos Mario Mejía Suárez (Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures) published his novella “Antonieta de muchos nombres” [“Antonieta of Many Names”] on March 28, 2024 (Ediciones Alborismos). The novel is an imagining of Antonieta Rivas Mercado’s biography. Rivas Mercado was a Mexican writer and art promoter at the beginning of the Twentieth Century. She found herself…
Faculty Spotlight: Marcia Bunge
Marcia Bunge (Religion) gave several presentations this semester on her child-related research, including a plenary lecture for a national meeting of Lutheran Ethicists on “Protecting Children” (hosted by the ELCA and held in Chicago) and a virtual lecture for a course on “The Wellbeing of the Child: Promotion, Protection, Rights” offered at the University of…
Faculty Spotlight: Lisa Heldke
Lisa Heldke (Philosophy) delivered a lecture as part of the Imtiaz Moosa Memorial Philosophy and Ethics Speaker Series at the University of Wisconsin, River Falls. Her talk was entitled, “Stuck on You: Ethics in the Age of Parasites.”
Faculty Spotlight: Hayley Russell
Hayley Russell (Health and Exercise Science) is serving as a Sport and Exercise Psychology “Motion Expert” for Twin Cities in Motion (TCM) this year. Motion Experts are a team of credentialed professionals from a variety of health and fitness related disciplines who share evidence-based information in the TCM newsletter. You can find more information and…