Author: snowell

  • Laura Burrack (Biology)

    Laura Burrack and Erica Power ’18 recently published an article in the journal PLoS Genetics entitled “Neocentromeres Provide Chromosome Segregation Accuracy and Centromere Clustering to Multiple Loci along a Candida albicans Chromosome.”

  • María Isabel Kalbermatten (Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures)

    María Isabel Kalbermatten delivered a paper titled “¿Es la ironía verbal una categoría prototípica? Relectura desde un enfoque dialógico.” at the 4th International Conference of Language and Literature in Santander, Spain.

  • Kathy Lund Dean (Economics and Management)

    Kathy Lund Dean was interviewed for and quoted in a story for Money Magazine about what students and their families should be looking for when they visit colleges and universities. In particular, the story asked about the best learning experiences for business students. Authored by senior writer Kim Clark, the story appeared in the September…

  • Joaquín Villanueva (Geography)

    Joaquín Villanueva co-authored and article that was recently published in the journal ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, entitled “Capturing Urban Change: Contrasts, Lapses and Contradictions in the Urban Landscape.” Research for this article was first presented at a Faculty Shop Talk in 2014.

  • María Isabel Kalbermatten (Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures)

    María Isabel Kalbermatten delivered a paper titled “Conversational Humor, Gender, and Ideology in Talks Among Female Friends,” at the 2016 International Humor Conference of the International Society of Humor Studies in Dublin, Ireland.

  • Yurie Hong (Classics)

    Yurie Hong published a book chapter entitled “Mothering in Ancient Athens: Class, Identity, and Experience” in the edited volume Women in Antiquity. This chapter examines the lives of mothers in Athens during the 5th and 4th centuries BCE. It explores how mothering across all social groups would have been impacted by the necessity of 1)…

  • Henry MacCarthy (Theatre and Dance)

    Henry MacCarthy was the guest stage director for Opera Omaha’s production of Opera Outdoors at Turner Park in Omaha, NE this past Friday, September 9, 2016. The production featured soprano Leah Partridge, tenor Jonathan Boyd, and the Opera Omaha Chorus and Children’s Chorus, conducted by Aaron Breid. The events were attended by over 2,000 guests.

  • Kathi Tunheim (Economics and Management)

    Elizabeth Johnson ’14 and Kathi Tunheim, published an article, “Understanding the Experiences of Professional Women Leaders Living and Working in Sweden,” in the Advances in Developing Human Resources Journal. Kathi and Dr. Susan Madsen, Utah Valley University, presented a professional development workshop on “Using Innovative Reflection Practices in Management Education,” at the Academy of Management…

  • Michael Hvidsten (Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics)

    Michael Hvidsten gave a presentation titled “Concrete Conics and Pencils in Projective Geometry” at the Mathematical Association of America MathFest meeting in Columbus Ohio.

  • Emily Gunawan (Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics)

    Emily Gunawan has been selected to participate in Project NExT (New Experiences in Teaching), a professional development program for new or recent PhDs in the mathematical sciences. Project NExT addresses all aspects of an academic career and provides the participants with a network of peers and mentors as they assume these responsibilities. Since 1994, over…