Author: snowell

  • Betsy Byers (Art and Art History)

    Betsy Byers received a Prairie Lakes Regional Arts Council/McKnight Professional Mid-Career Artist Grant. The grant funding awarded will be used to create work based on the melting glaciers at Glacier National Park. Paintings will be exhibited at Rosalux Gallery in a solo exhibition in February of 2018.

  • Yurie Hong (Classics)

    Yurie Hong delivered an invited lecture “Classics at the Intersection of the Personal and the Professional” at Fairfield University’s “21st Century Women and Greek Tragedy” event series on Nov. 2. She also delivered a presentation “Classical Connections: Science and the Humanities” to students and faculty involved in the Sunoikisis Classical Consortium on Ancient Medicine on…

  • Michelle Twait (Library)

    Michelle Twait authored a chapter, “Evidence and Authority in Health and Exercise Science Research,” in Disciplinary Applications of Information Literacy Threshold Concepts (American Library Association, 2017), edited by Samantha Godbey, Susan Beth Wainscott, and Xan Goodman. This chapter explores HES students’ understanding of the constructed and contextual nature of authority, as well as how HES…

  • Jill Locke (Political Science)

    Jill Locke delivered a keynote lecture, “‘His Majesty the Baby’: Donald Trump as the (Shameless) Child in Chief,” for the Shame and Democracy Workshop at the University of Amsterdam in October.

  • Justin Knoepfel (Music)

    Justin Knoepfel (was invited to conduct the Iowa Junior High Festival Orchestra at Iowa State as part of the Iowa Music Educators Association (IMEA) annual conference on. Top string students from across the state of Iowa were hand selected to perform in this prestigious event.

  • Blake Couey (Religion)

    Blake Couey presented an invited paper, “Poetry and Redaction in the Book of Isaiah,” at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. The paper will form the basis for a book chapter in a forthcoming volume on the formation of the Book of Isaiah, to be published with Mohr Siebeck. He also…

  • Debra Pitton (Education)

    Debra Pitton presented a session at the 2017 Association of Teacher Educators National Conference. Along with Laura Pitton Guerreo, a fourth grade Spanish immersion teacher in Eden Prairie; and Angela Pitton Abdo, a licensed art therapist and youth counselor at Headway Schools, she shared information on managing extreme behavior in the K-12 classroom. This presentation…

  • Martin Lang (Communication Studies)

    Martin Lang and Noah O’Ryan ’17 released their new short documentary film “(Mid)west of Somalia” for community screenings and film festival consideration.

  • Thia Cooper (Religion)

    Thia Cooper published a book, A Christian Guide to Liberating Desire, Sex, Partnership, Work and Reproduction (Palgrave, 2017).

  • Angelique Dwyer (Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures)

    Angelique Dwyer published her article “De broma en broma la verdad se asoma: Lotería y dicotomía cultural en ‘Sístole, diastole’ de Carlos Cuarón” in a book entitled Literatura a través de las culturas edited by Williams, Raymond L. & Ponce de León, Gina through Diente de león publishers in Bogotá, Colombia. 2017. She also published…