Author: snowell
Faculty Spotlight: Jessica Stadick
Jessica Stadick (Nursing) had an article published in the Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice. The article, titled “The relationship between health care professional’s attitudes towards teamwork and their interprofessional collaborative competencies,” describes the quantitative results of a mixed methods study.
Faculty Technology Workshops – March 10 & 13, 2020
As you know from the recent college-wide communications, we are engaged in proactive planning surrounding Coronavirus (COVID-19). As part of that process, we are considering precautionary scenarios that range from small-scale employee/student illness to campus closure. In preparation of a possible scenario where we encourage or require use of technology to deliver course content for…
Faculty Spotlight: Amanda Nienow
Amanda Nienow (Chemistry), along with Gustavus students, hosted the second annual Chemistry Night on Thursday, February 20, 2020. There were 27 high school students from the region who were joined by 20 Gustie science majors who helped them explore the stability of natural food dyes extracted from spinach, beets, red cabbage, and turmeric. Food science…
Faculty Spotlight: Yuta Kawarasaki
Yuta Kawarasaki (Biology) contributed to an invited review article titled “Rapid cold hardening: ecological relevance, physiological mechanisms and new perspectives” with co-authors. The article was published in Journal of Experimental Biology.
Faculty Spotlight: Julie Gilbert
Julie Gilbert (Library) published Daisy and the Deadly Flu: A 1918 Influenza Survival Story. The middle-grade novel is part of the Girls Survive series from Stone Arch Books. The novel focuses on the influenza pandemic’s real-life impact on southern Minnesota, especially the community of New Ulm.
2019-20 Matthias Wahlstrom Lecture
Please join us Tuesday, April 28, 2020, at 4:30-5:30 p.m. in Beck Hall 101 for the sixth annual Matthias Wahlstrom Lecture. Paschal Kyoore, Professor of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, will present his talk entitled “Challenging the ‘Center’ in Liberal Arts Education in the USA.” President Rebecca Bergman will introduce Kyoore, and refreshments will be…
Faculty Spotlight: Jill Locke
Jill Locke (Political Science) guest lectured in a Contemporary Political Theory class and presented a seminar paper, “Why Don’t Political Scientists Like Children?,” to faculty and students at Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) in Mexico City on February 5, 2020.
Faculty Spotlight: Hayley Russell
Hayley Russell (Health and Exercise Science) recently gave an invited presentation, “Psychosocial Aspects of Athletic Training,” at the Minnesota Athletic Training Association Student Symposium at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Faculty Spotlight: Larissa McConnell
Larissa McConnell (Theatre and Dance) has a solo exhibition, “Graftworks,” which showcases her fiber art at the Arts Center of Saint Peter March 6-28. A reception will be held March 7 from 3-5 p.m.
Faculty Spotlight: Julie Bartley
Julie Bartley (Geology) published a paper in Astrobiology with Madison Adams ’19 and 13 additional colleagues titled “Is a Linear or a Walkabout Protocol More Efficient When Using a Rover to Choose Biologically Relevant Samples in a Small Region of Interest?” The article reports that rover-driven science on other planets produces a better sample set…