Author: snowell

  • Faculty Spotlight: Dwight Stoll

    Dwight Stoll (Chemistry) was awarded a supplement for the project, “Deepening Understanding of Reversed-Phase Selectivity for Small Molecule Pharmaceutical Analysis” ($50,000).

  • Faculty Spotlight: Tiffany Grobelski

    Tiffany Grobelski (Environment, Geography, and Earth Sciences & Peace, Justice, and Conflict Studies) presented a webinar entitled “Project-Based Learning in the World Geography Classroom” for the National Council of Geographic Education. The NCGE is a non-profit organization chartered in 1915 to enhance the status and quality of geography teaching and learning.

  • Faculty Spotlight: Angela Walczyk

    Angela Walczyk (Biology) published two research articles “Genome material costs and metabolic-tradeoffs in the autopolyploid Solidago gigantea (Giant Goldenrod, Asteraceae) series,” in the American Journal of Botany, and, “Investigating the effects of whole genome duplication on phenotypic plasticity: implications for the invasive success of Giant Goldenrod (Solidago gigantea),” in a special Issue of the journal…

  • Faculty Spotlight: Peg O’Connor

    Peg O’Connor (Philosophy) published a chapter titled, “Substance Use Disorder and Toxic Relationships,” in Toxic Love Disorder: The Psychology of Toxic Relationships, ed. Linda Greyman (Kolkata, India: The Minds Journal).

  • Faculty Spotlight: Julie Gilbert

    Julie Gilbert (Library) won the 2023 Best Indie-Published Young Adult Fiction Author award for her novel, “Cemetery Songs“. The award, sponsored by the Minnesota Author Project, MN Writes MN Reads, and the Minnesota Library Foundation, recognizes the best independently published books by Minnesota writers. The award was presented on Oct. 4 at the Minnesota Library…

  • Faculty Spotlight: Glenn Kranking

    Faculty Spotlight: Glenn Kranking

    Glenn Kranking (History and Scandinavian Studies) taught a session of the Foreign Service Institute’s Nordic and Baltic Area Studies course for U.S. State Department employees heading to the region. His session focused on Nordic history and its contemporary significance in politics and society.

  • Faculty Spotlight: Jeff Jenson

    Jeff A. Jenson (Library) presented “Minnesotans and Their Most Venomous Reptile, the Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus)” at the 58th annual Northern Great Plains History Conference in Sioux Falls, SD.

  • Faculty Spotlight: Jeff La Frenierre

    Jeff La Frenierre (Environment, Geography, and Earth Sciences) and his student Scott Knowlton were featured in a story that aired on Swedish public television. The story, about glacier change in Sweden, includes brief comments from Jeff and footage of Scott. The broadcast is in Swedish and the Gustie portion begins at the 28-minute mark.

  • Faculty Spotlight: Larissa McConnell

    Larissa McConnell (Theatre and Dance) had an embroidery art piece accepted into the Carnegie Art Centers Juried Exhibition in Mankato. The opening reception is Friday, October 6 from 5-7 p.m., and the exhibition runs from October 5-21.

  • Faculty Spotlight: Dwight Stoll

    Dwight Stoll (Chemistry) received a grant from Eli Lilly and Company for the project “Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography for New Pharmaceutical Modalities” ($170,000).