Year: 2018
Maddalena Marinari (History)
Maddalena Marinari recently published an article co-authored with Erika Lee (University of Minnesota) and Evan Taparata (University of Minnesota), titled “#ImmigrationSyllabus: The Necessity of Teaching Immigration History Today,” in the Journal of American Ethnic History. The piece reflects on the genesis and development of the #ImmigrationSyllabus, an online resource for anyone interested in learning more…
Glenn Kranking (Scandinavian Studies)
Glenn Kranking was a discussant for a panel on Population Transfers Before and After World War II at the annual Association for the Study of Nationalities World Convention in New York City.
Ursula Lindqvist (Scandinavian Studies)
Ursula Lindqvist participated in annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study (SASS), the umbrella organization for the Scandinavian Studies field, at UCLA from May 2-6, 2018. She currently serves on the Executive Council for the organization and chairs the Bridget Baldwin Endowed Fellowship selection committee.
Kjerstin Moody (Scandinavian Studies)
Kjerstin Moody published a book review of Agneta Rahikainen’s Kampen om Edith: Biografi och myt om Edith Södergran in Edda: The Scandinavian Journal of Literary Research. Her article “By Land, by Sea, by Air, by Mind: Traversing Externally Internally via the Trope of the Bird in Finnish and Swedish Poetry” was recently published in the…
Maddalena Marinari (History)
Maddalena Marinari received a research fellowship from the American Philosophical Society to conduct research for her second monograph. She will use the fellowship to visit archives in New York City and Washington, DC.
Paschal Kyoore, 2018 Faculty Scholarly Accomplishment Award, Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Department
Paschal Kyoore was selected as the 2018 recipient of the Gustavus Faculty Scholarly Accomplishment Award. Presented each year at Honors Day, this award is the highest accolade a Gustavus faculty member can receive for distinguished scholarly achievements.
Marta Podemska-Mikluch (Economics and Management)
Marta Podemska-Mikluch gave a series of talks at the Rockford University Center for ethics and entrepreneurship. Podemska-Mikluch spoke on the topic of innovation, regulation, and freedom in healthcare. She also shared her findings regarding the regulatory obstacles that delay and prevent access to a life-saving therapy for patients suffering from spinal muscular atrophy.
Kathleen Keller (History)
Kathleen Keller published a book review in the April 2018 issue of H-France Review of Harry Gamble’s Contesting French West Africa: Battles Over Schools and the Colonial Order, 1900-1950.
Jill Locke (Political Science)
Jill Locke participated in an author-meets-critics panel discussion of her book, Democracy and the Death of Shame: Political Equality and Social Disturbance, at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association in San Francisco, California.
Yuki Sakuragi (Modern Language, Literature, and Cultures)
Yuki Sakuragi published a book chapter, “Experimental Learning of Intercultural Communication through short-term study in Japan” in Promoting Multicultural Experiential Learning in Higher Education (Nakanishiya Publishing, Kyoto, 2018).