Year: 2016
Ursula Lindqvist (Scandinavian Studies)
Ursula Lindqvist has just published two books on Nordic cinema. The first is a monograph titled Roy Andersson’s “Songs from the Second Floor”: Contemplating the Art of Existence. The second is an anthology of 26 original essays commissioned especially for A Companion to Nordic Cinema, which Lindqvist co-edited with Mette Hjort of the University of…
Florence Amamoto: Religious Diversity at a Lutheran College
I recognize that I have been particularly comfortable here because both Lutheranism and Buddhism support values central to Gustavus—first and foremost, the importance of deep intellectual inquiry. Florence Amamoto Associate Professor of English ### Excerpted from Rooted in a Distinctive Tradition, Open to the World: Reflections Across Campus on the Heritage, Character, and Vision of…
Chuck Niederriter: Religious Diversity at a Lutheran College
We may be affiliated with the Lutheran church, have Lutheran chaplains, and chapel services, but we are also a very diverse and welcoming community where people of all faiths or no faith can feel comfortable. Chuck Niederriter Professor of Physics ### Excerpted from Rooted in a Distinctive Tradition, Open to the World: Reflections Across Campus…
Paschal Kyoore: Religious Diversity at a Lutheran College
If I were not an African Catholic at a Lutheran college, then I would not be in such a good position to help my students discuss such examples, understand the complexity of cultures, and respect and appreciate how peoples of other cultures practice their religions. Paschal Kyoore Professor of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures ###…
Sarah Ruble: Religious Diversity at a Lutheran College
What I would say as an evangelical-ish person to evangelicals (and others) is this: Gustavus’s Lutheran heritage is, yes, a challenge that creates a lot of hard questions. It is also an opportunity. It allows for a dialogue we need in a religious, secular, interconnected, interdependent, overly-armed world. Sarah Ruble Associate Professor of Religion ###…
Deborah Goodwin: Core Values Inside and Outside the Classroom
Grounded in a sense of calling, alert to the complex, shifting relationships that arise for each life in the world, excellence can be a powerful, steadfast fulcrum, uniting faculty, staff and students to create works of lasting purpose, meaning, and beauty. Deborah L. Goodwin Associate Professor of Religion ### Excerpted from Rooted in a Distinctive…
Tommy Valentini: Core Values Inside and Outside the Classroom
We believe in the power of community to make a positive difference in our lives and our world. All who study or work at Gustavus are part of its community. We are known as “Gusties,” and we are bound together in a particular time and place. Tommy Valentini Steve Wilkinson Professor of Sport Ethics and…
Jeff Dahlseid: Distinctive Pursuits Rooted in our Heritage
The commitment to vocation at Gustavus is rooted in the college’s Lutheran identity, which means that it is actively inclusive of other worldviews, spiritualties, and philosophies as well. Jeff Dahlseid Associate Professor of Biology and Chemistry ### Excerpted from Rooted in a Distinctive Tradition, Open to the World: Reflections Across Campus on the Heritage, Character,…
Ursula Lindqvist: Distinctive Pursuits Rooted in our Heritage
In Scandinavian corporate and agrarian cultures, teamwork and collaboration are highly valued—even expected—and the same is true at Gustavus. Faculty, staff, and students are highly engaged in collaborative projects across campus, and shared governance is taken very seriously. Ursula Lindqvist Assistant Professor of Scandinavian Studies ### Excerpted from Rooted in a Distinctive Tradition, Open to…
Gregory Aune: Distinctive Pursuits Rooted in our Heritage
The curriculum of the Music Department at Gustavus aspires to teach all students who study music here or participate in ensembles to express themselves intelligently and artistically through a broad range of genres in music performance, composition, and discourse. Their experiences consistently affirm the transformational nature of music in a liberal arts education, which in…