Year: 2016

  • Marie Walker (Psychological Science)

    Marie Walker and Emma Iverson ’10, published an article in Emerging Adulthood titled, “Identity Development and Political Self-Regulation in Emerging Adult Political Attitudes and Behavior.”

  • Jeff Jeremiason (Chemistry)

    Through his collaboration with the University of Minnesota-Duluth, Jeff Jeremiason has received funding for a two-year project from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for the project “Refining Our Understanding of Methylmercury Production and Bioavailability in the Saint Louis River Estuary.” In addition to conducting important environmental research, this project provides research opportunities for students…

  • Tom Huber (Physics)

    Tom Huber has received a three-year grant from the National Science Foundation for the project “Detection of ultrasound waves in water and air using a laser interferometer.” In addition to conducting important research into the uses of ultrasound, his project provides research opportunities for students and an outreach component with the aim of attracting secondary…

  • Dwight Stoll (Chemistry)

    Dwight Stoll received an Agilent Technologies Foundation grant for the study of two-dimensional liquid chromatography separations of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies.

  • Laura Triplett (Geology)

    Laura Triplett received a McKnight Foundation grant to assess the effectiveness of land management strategies for reducing agricultural pollution entering the Seven Mile Creek in the Minnesota River basin by utilizing a multidisciplinary approach to environmental monitoring.

  • Dwight Stoll (Chemistry)

    Dwight Stoll received a three-year National Science Foundation grant for the collaborative study and improvement of the quantitative performance of two-dimensional liquid chromatography, including the development of novel instrument hardware, software, and methodologies involving Agilent Technologies, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Gustavus Adolphus College.

  • Lianying Shan (Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures)

    Lianying Shan received funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities funding to attend the 2016 NEH Summer Institute, Confucian Asia: Traditions and Transformations to be held at the East/West Center in Honolulu.

  • Matt Panciera (Classics)

    Matt Panciera received funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities grant to host a seminar for high school teachers entitled “Roman Daily Life” to be hosted by Gustavus during the summer of 2016.

  • Michele Koomen (Education)

    Michele Koomen received funding through a University of Minnesota grant from the State of Minnesota Office of Higher Education to continue work on a larger project to train K-12 teachers to bring Citizen Science, or “real world” science, into the classroom.

  • Jeff Jeremiason (Chemistry)

    Jeff Jeremiason received funding through a University of Minnesota-Duluth grant from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to study causes of high mercury in fish in five Minnesota rivers.